Our specialist's review By Oscar V. Dandelion is a type of plant with important benefits for rodents. As well as being an important source of vitamins and minerals, it indirectly helps to wear down and clean your rodent's teeth, keeping them healthy and well cared for, and it has a taste and texture they love! Home Small pets Treats Jr Farm Dandelion Jr Farm Jr Farm Dandelion 4 4 reviews Healthy crude feed for every day. The dandelion - with its many vitamins, minerals and trace elements - supports not only the natural resistance, but is also an all-time favourite snack for all rodents. The high crude fibre content ensures optimal di ... See full description 100 gr €3.73 €37.30/KG 500 GR €11.47 €22.94/KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 €3.73 €3.73/unit x2 -€0.07 €7.39 €3.66 last unit x3 -€0.11 €11.08 €3.62 last unit x5 -€0.19 €18.46 €3.54 last unit x1 €11.47 €11.47/unit x2 -€0.23 €22.71 €11.24 last unit x3 -€0.34 €34.07 €11.13 last unit x5 -€0.57 €56.78 €10.90 last unit Buy it with... Vitakraft Mineral Stone Rodents 168 g 168 GR €2.81 Trixie Straw toys for rodents and rabbits 15 cm €4.27 Jr Farm Flores De Jardin Para Chinchillas 50 GR €3.99 Ingredients Jr Farm Dandelion Dandelion 85%, marigold blossoms Features Jr Farm Dandelion Reference4024344071010 Weight500 GR, 100 gr BrandJr Farm Product RangeJR Farm Food Snacks ShapeFlakes FlavorVegetable, , Small Animal TypeRabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Degus and Gerbils, Chinchillas, Rats and Mice, Squirrels Description Jr Farm Dandelion Healthy crude feed for every day. The dandelion - with its many vitamins, minerals and trace elements - supports not only the natural resistance, but is also an all-time favourite snack for all rodents. The high crude fibre content ensures optimal digestion and thus enhances the feeling of well-being. Customer Reviews Jr Farm Dandelion 4 Stars | 4 reviews 5 Stars 50% 4 Stars 25% 3 Stars 25% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Mon lapin raffole des fleurs de pissenlit. Bien mais dommage que cela soit un peu ecraser les lapins ne sont pas friands de poussiere alors un peu de perte tout va bien See all customer reviews Related categories Treats for small pets Treats Jr Farm for small pets Treats jr farm food for small pets Treats flakes for small pets Treats for small pets Treats for small pets Treats vegetable for small pets Treats chinchillas for small pets Treats degus and gerbils for small pets Treats guinea pigs for small pets Treats hamsters for small pets Treats rabbits for small pets Treats rats and mice for small pets Treats squirrels for small pets Standard price €3.73 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Our specialist's review By Oscar V. Dandelion is a type of plant with important benefits for rodents. As well as being an important source of vitamins and minerals, it indirectly helps to wear down and clean your rodent's teeth, keeping them healthy and well cared for, and it has a taste and texture they love!
Description Jr Farm Dandelion Healthy crude feed for every day. The dandelion - with its many vitamins, minerals and trace elements - supports not only the natural resistance, but is also an all-time favourite snack for all rodents. The high crude fibre content ensures optimal digestion and thus enhances the feeling of well-being.
Bien mais dommage que cela soit un peu ecraser les lapins ne sont pas friands de poussiere alors un peu de perte