Tetra Active Filter

Tetra FilterActive adds highly effective live bacteria and thus promotes permanent biological activity in the aquarium. Packaging Units: 100 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 250 ml See full description

  • 7.61

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  • x1 7.61 €7.61/unit
  • x2 -€0.15 15.07 €7.46 last unit
  • x3 -€0.23 22.60 €7.38 last unit
  • x5 -€0.38 37.67 €7.23 last unit

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Features Tetra Active Filter

  • Reference4004218247031
  • BrandTetra
  • Quantity10 ml

Description Tetra Active Filter

Tetra FilterActive adds highly effective live bacteria and thus promotes permanent biological activity in the aquarium.

Packaging Units:

100 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 250 ml

Customer Reviews Tetra Active Filter

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Fundamental para o equilbrio biolgico da gua do aqurio. Indispensvel para se obter uma superior qualidade da gua que no fundo o habitat dos peixes.

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