Home Cats Training Aids Anti-Stress Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill Feliway Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill 4 36 reviews This item is being supplied from continental Europe. Please consider an adaptor might be needed to plug it in your country.Feliway Optimun helps to solve all the frequent signs of stress to be able to offer the best tranquillity to our cats, thanks t ... See full description Quantity 48 ml €32.05 €667.71/L Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 €32.05 €32.05/unit x2 -€0.64 €63.46 €31.41 last unit x3 -€0.96 €95.19 €31.09 last unit x5 -€1.60 €158.65 €30.45 last unit Buy it with... Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Kit Diffuser + Refill 48 ml €36.60 You may also like VetPlus Calmex for Cat Stressful Situations 60 ml (15) €27.48 Add to my Autoship Order Select an Autoship to add this product. Add to cart Features Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill Reference3411113030438 BrandFeliway Quantity48 ml Weight69 gr Behavior IssuueAnxiety, Stress Description Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill This item is being supplied from continental Europe. Please consider an adaptor might be needed to plug it in your country.Feliway Optimun helps to solve all the frequent signs of stress to be able to offer the best tranquillity to our cats, thanks to its new feline pheromone complex with improved efficiencyThe satisfaction level of Cat Lovers is 9.1 out of 10, this is because 93% of cat lovers have observed a greater calmness and serenity in their cat since using Feliway Optimun, as it helps cats in more situations and visibly reduces more signs of stress by avoiding situations such as vertical scratches, changes, fears, urine marking, tensions and conflicts with other catsHow does the New Generation of Pheromones work? Pheromones are natural messages that animals use to communicate with their environment and everything around them, reducing all the frequent signs of stress in cats and improving the relationship between them and their ownersCats naturally produce reassuring messages known as pheromones. FELIWAY Optimum contains the most advanced Feline Pheromone Complex, developed by the FELIWAY research team. This new discovery transmits messages of tranquillity that help cats feel comfortable and safe at home, provide serenity and promote harmony between cats and their owners.FELIWAY Optimum contains the best of the feline pheromones for improved efficiency.It is suitable for all stages of life, from kittens to youngsters to seniors.It is not a sedative or a tranquilizer, used only in cats, it does not affect dogs or peopleInstructions for use:-Plug it into a standard outlet in your cat's favourite room -For best results, keep the diffuser plugged in day and night -Renew the refill every 30 days.-Each diffuser covers 70 m2-Avoid plugging the diffuser under shelves, behind doors, curtains or furniture, because it will not work properly Customer Reviews Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill 4 Stars | 36 reviews 5 Stars 53% 4 Stars 39% 3 Stars 8% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Um dos meus gatos é muito ansioso e stressado, sempre que uso, parece um gato diferente! Mais confiante, brincalhão e calmo! Usei quando a gata tava com stress e gostei a fonctionne pour mes minettes. Produit conseill par le vto suite au dcs de lune delles See all customer reviews Related categories Anti-Stress for cats Anti-Stress Feliway for cats Anti-Stress anxiety for cats Anti-Stress stress for cats Standard price €32.05 Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
Description Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress for Cats Refill This item is being supplied from continental Europe. Please consider an adaptor might be needed to plug it in your country.Feliway Optimun helps to solve all the frequent signs of stress to be able to offer the best tranquillity to our cats, thanks to its new feline pheromone complex with improved efficiencyThe satisfaction level of Cat Lovers is 9.1 out of 10, this is because 93% of cat lovers have observed a greater calmness and serenity in their cat since using Feliway Optimun, as it helps cats in more situations and visibly reduces more signs of stress by avoiding situations such as vertical scratches, changes, fears, urine marking, tensions and conflicts with other catsHow does the New Generation of Pheromones work? Pheromones are natural messages that animals use to communicate with their environment and everything around them, reducing all the frequent signs of stress in cats and improving the relationship between them and their ownersCats naturally produce reassuring messages known as pheromones. FELIWAY Optimum contains the most advanced Feline Pheromone Complex, developed by the FELIWAY research team. This new discovery transmits messages of tranquillity that help cats feel comfortable and safe at home, provide serenity and promote harmony between cats and their owners.FELIWAY Optimum contains the best of the feline pheromones for improved efficiency.It is suitable for all stages of life, from kittens to youngsters to seniors.It is not a sedative or a tranquilizer, used only in cats, it does not affect dogs or peopleInstructions for use:-Plug it into a standard outlet in your cat's favourite room -For best results, keep the diffuser plugged in day and night -Renew the refill every 30 days.-Each diffuser covers 70 m2-Avoid plugging the diffuser under shelves, behind doors, curtains or furniture, because it will not work properly
Um dos meus gatos é muito ansioso e stressado, sempre que uso, parece um gato diferente! Mais confiante, brincalhão e calmo!